传感器/变送器/仪表按厂商品牌选用指南按种类分类选用指南按行业应用选用指南 模块模组 隔离采集仪器仪表 |
产品资料 | 技术资料 | 样例工程 | 产品驱动 | 参考设计 | 应用电路 | 通讯协议 | 使用说明 | 支持软件 | 数据查询 | 问题解答 | 标准法规 | 图书资料 | 基础知识 |
光通信器件组件 | 激光 | 红外 | 紫外 | 精密光学 | LED | 热电堆 | 光电 | 火焰 | 颜色 | 图像 | 光敏 | 光幕 | 红外测温 | 气体分析 |
Pyroelectric Detectors DLATGS Pyroelectric Detectors
DLATGS Pyroelectrics are the highest performing thermal
detectors combining broad spectral sensitivity, high D*,
with frequency response. The DLATGS crystal used to
produce the sensing element is the latest development in
pyroelectric materials. Its polarization is “locked in”
thus no longer requiring a poling voltage to maintain
the output signal level. The Curie temperature is also
raised to be above 60 C. The
Product Matrix below will help you choose the right
device for your application.
Lithium Tantalate Pyroelectric Detectors Lithium Tantalate (LTO) Pyroelectrics are the often the best compromise between cost and performance of the common pyroelectrics. With a very high Curie temperature and a low temperature coefficient of response (<~.2%/ deg C. ) they can operate over all commercial, industrial and aerospace environments. This permanently poled rugged crystalline material is also non hygroscopic and can be operated in windowless configurations. Available in many active areas and electronic configurations these thermal detectors combine broad spectral response and high D* at an affordable price. The Product Matrix below will help you choose the right device for your application.
The Matrix Below Describes Standard Detector Configurations
Click the Series Number below for detailed product
Accessory Electronics
红外测温仪/红外热像仪 常用红外温度传感器系列 常用红外温度传感器及资料下载红外温度传感器模块摸组 一 红外线温度传感器二 红外线温度传感器三 红外线温度传感器 四 一 红外测温模块二 红外测温模块 三 红外测温模块 四 红外火焰探测器红外气体分析器件 红外气体分析原理
SS-101红外线人体感应模块使用说明 SS-968微波感应模块/雷达探测模块使用说明 SS-9261微波感应模块/雷达探测模块使用说明
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