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Thermopile Arrays and ImagingIn General
Heimann offers the worldwide first fully
monolithic thermopile arrays in TO-8 or TO-39
Thermal Imaging Example
2D ArraysInfrared Sensor Arrays with Analog Output
Our HTPA series consists of 2D
arrays with different pixel counts:
elements Infrared Sensor Array with I2C-compatible-Bus Interface16x4 elements Array ModulesWe offer thermopile array modules with electrical interface for various applications.
Heimann Sensor offers calibrated
HTPA-Modules for thermal imaging.
Those modules can be configured with
several lenses for different
applications. As Interface you can
choose between Ethernet (UDP) or
UART. It is possible to get a
temperature or voltage stream, or to
get single frames. Furthermore,
these data can be visualized by the
Heimann Sensor ArraySoft GUI.
Application Sets and ImagingFast and easy SolutionWe offer thermopile array application sets and modules as a fast and easy imaging solution on your PC. The connection can be done via Ethernet, for industrial applications we offer a UART-Interface (TTL-Level). The sets are delivered with a graphical user interface for visualisation. Our fully monolithic arrays are the pathfinders to application fields like thermal imaging, industrial temperature monitoring, hot spot detection, fire- or person detection. Monolithic means micro-machined sensor elements combined with an application specific integrated circuit. So it is possible to use very small housings like TO8. These low- cost camera- alike sensors can be inserted in small systems and occupy little space.
SSTKJ电子 元器件网:http://www.sunstare.com/
电话:0755-83376489 83376549 83607652 83370250 83370251 83376549
传真:0755-83376182 (0)13902971329 MSN: xjr5@163.com
邮编:518033 E-mail:szss20@163.com QQ: 195847376
深圳赛格展销部:深圳华强北路赛格电子市场9583号 电话:0755-83665529 13823648918
技术支持: 0755-83394033 13501568376
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西安分公司:西安高新开发区20所(中国电子科技集团导航技术研究所) 西安劳动南路88号电子商城二楼D23号
TEL: 18926764199 FAX:029-77678271