TO Packaged Sensors
Single, Dual & Quad Channel
Pyreos offers a full range of TO packaged sensors
from single to quad channel in the common sized TO39/TO5
packages and also a miniaturised single channel TO46.
Our products are reliable and easy to use. They all have
a standard voltage output and pin compatibility with
other suppliers, but benefit from both the advanced
performance of our thin film pyroelectric sensor and the
integration of a front-end operational amplifier within
the package. Together this provides a compelling
competitive advantage circuit offering extremely strong
responsivity, fast frequency operation, and unparalleled
robustness, allowing our customers to set new
performance limits in terms of measurement resolution,
temperature range, and real-time analysis.
All of our sensors are available with a wide choice
of filters, and with options for all common gases,
including CO2, toxic, flammable and refrigerant gases.
Our team can also source filters for your NDIR gas or
liquid analysis application.
KEY Features & Benefits
- Pin compatible
- High responsivity & S/N ratio
- Robust – low microphonics
- Reliable & easy to use
- Operational from 1-20 Hz
- Wide filter choice
- Extended temperature range
- Less external gain required
- Rapid supply to customers!
Ideal for:
- NDIR gas detection
- NDIR pellistor replacements
- Automotive gas analysis
- Medical IR analysis
- Anaesthesia
- Fluid analysis
- THz detection
- Energy measurement
- Miniaturised designs
Flame Detectors
Standard Single Channel Flame Detectors
Pyreos has a range of single channel flame detector
products in standard TO packages for use in industrial
flame detection. All of our flame detectors offer a wide
field of view of over 900 in all directions. Our
products offer improved sensitivity to flame flicker, as
well as robustness and rapid recovery from mechanical or
electrical shock compared to our competitors. We provide
standard detectors with filters covering the key
visible, near IR and mid IR flame signatures, and we can
also source or assemble custom filters for you. Our
flame detectors offer excellent performance at a
competitive price and are pin and filter compatible with
other suppliers (see datasheet PY-ITV-FLAME–T039(2+1)).
They are available immediately in sample quantities to a
few thousand pieces. Please contact us for a quotation.
Multi-channel Flame Detectors
Pyreos has developed unique three channel and four
channel flame detector products. These socket and
surface mount flame detector products provide all of the
required IR flame sensing in component, without
compromising on field of view or performance. The close
proximity of the sensors ensures a better overlap in
their field of view, thereby improving safety, whilst
offering our customers further savings in the size and
thickness of sapphire window required in their end
product housing. The reduced component count, new form
factor, and surface mount compatibility offer new
opportunities for reduced size, cost and weight, without
reducing performance. Both three and four channel
sensors can be built with your choice of filters.
Surface Mountable Sensors - Dual and Quad Channel
Surface Mountable Sensors -
Dual and Quad Channel
Pyreos pyroelectric thin film IR sensors have a MEMs
device structure that contributes to their overall
robustness and reliability. An enhanced ability to
withstand high temperatures and a solid four sided die
attachment process makes surface mount pyroelectric IR
sensors possible. This new, low profile package provides
excellent EMC noise shielding and has further improved
reliability by eliminating failures related to metal
pins of conventional TO packages. Plus it enables fully
automated surface mount assembly of gas sensor
products. Pyreos currently offers dual channel sensors
that have a similar package cap and window size to our
TO39 packaged sensors, with all filter window options
available. Our premium surface mount quad channel sensor
offers the highest possible signal-to-noise performance
and has been used by customers in combination with our
emitters to achieve 1ppm detection levels.
The package form factor also offers excellent
flexibility to provide new configurations and formats of
multi-gas sensors and emitters to our customers,
enabling innovation in final product design and
- Thin form factor
- Improved reliability
- Flexible package design
- Surface Mount automated assembly
Key Benefits
- Smaller gas sensor products
- Lower manufacturing costs
- Enhanced product quality
Line Array Components
Pyreos has a unique capability to
manufacture un-cooled pyroelectric
line array sensors that offer high
performance right across the
infrared spectrum. Our unique thin
film pyroelectric material can be
easily patterned to provide
individual sensor pixels on the
thermally isolating membrane layer
of our sensor device. By dispersing
different wavelengths of light onto
each sensor pixel, new, low cost,
solid state IR spectrometers and IR
imaging devices become possible. Our
customers are using this
breakthrough product to provide new
analytical solutions in medical,
industrial, and scientific fields.
The line arrays are housed in a
standard metal dual in line 16 pin
package, that outputs an amplified,
analogue multiplexed signal. The
arrays can be supplied with a
variety of filter window options
including NIR and mid-IR linear
variable filters (LVF), as well more
standard options such as
anti-reflection coated Si, ZnSe, or
Ge windows. These line array
products provide a radical new low
cost alternative approach to
building IR spectrometers and
spectral analysers.
KEY Features & Benefits
- Strong sensitivity across
the IR spectral region
- Fast operation & readout
- Robust MEMs sensor
- Choice of resolution
- Spectral engine with LVF
- Low power consumption
- Low cost uncooled solution
- Small size and weight
Ideal For:
- IR spectroscopy
- Medical diagnostics
- Diabetes monitoring
- Laser line calibration
- Process monitoring
- Oil analysis
- InGaAs replacement
- Terahertz imaging
- Security screening
Demo Kits
Pyreos has a range of
easy-to-use, PC-compatible
demonstration kits (Demo
kits) available immediately for
rapid and full evaluation of our
sensor technology. Our demonstartion
kits typically use standard and well
known, off-the-shelf electronic
components to take our sensor
output signal and digitise it, so
that it can be transferred and
analysed via USB interface on a
standard Windows based PC. All the
operating instructions,
functionality, and schematics are
contained in the Demo User Guides.
One kit can also support numerous
Pyreos products, for example the
NDIR gas kit, which can take any of
the Pyreos TO packaged sensors. Our
knowledgeable applications team will
be available to support you as you
move forward in the development of
your product.
Demo Kits Available For rapid
and easy testing
- Touchless Gesture Control
Demo kit
- Transmission Spectrometer
Demo Kit
- ATR Spectrometer Demo Kit
- Line Array Demo Kit
- Gas Sensor Demo Kit
Pyreos is able to supply rugged,
solid-state mid IR spectrometer
systems that can provide high
performance monitoring of liquids or
gases in the harshest of
environments. Our industrial
systems are designed and built to
each customer’s unique requirements
to provide the best possible
solution, and have included high
pressure and explosive proof
solutions. Our expertise includes
developing chemometric solutions for
Features & Performance
- Rapid, accurate mid IR
analysis - suitable for liquids
or gases
- Standard interfaces
- Solid state with a wide
temperature range and stabilised
for vibration & shock
Key Benefits
- Economic and accurate mid IR
- Robust and long lasting -
suitable for online or inline
continuous mid IR monitoring
- Can be designed to integrate
into your existing manufacturing
Ideal for:
- Oil analysis & condition
- Transformer monitoring
- Food processing
- Petrochemical, diesel &
biodiesel analysis
- Chemical reaction monitoring
- Pharmaceutical manufacturing
Handheld mid IR Spectrometer For
ATR & Transmission
Pyreos brings you handheld mid IR
spectroscopy for immediate, simple
and accurate analysis of solids,
liquids and slurries typically
over 2.5- 5.0 or 5.5 -11 um
ranges. Our battery
powered devices are compact and
robust enabling instant, reliable
on-site results removing the wait
for expensive lab-based analysis or
any requirements for complex
Using Attentuated Total
Reflectance Measurement (ATR) as a
sampling method allows for
instant, convenient and
cost-effective collection of
multiple infrared spectral
measurements. An additional software
suite is further available to enable
rapid and advanced chemometric and
prediction functionality.
Features & Performance
- Rapid analysis in 5.5-11um
(fingerprint region) & 2.5-5.0um
(functional groups)
- Ultra compact, lightweight
enclosure (0.5kg)
- Long life battery with USB
charging option
- Consistent and accurate
analysis with ability to measure
in the ppm range
- Can be pre-loaded with
chemometric calibration data
- Simple, easy to use software
- Rapid PLSR analysis feasible
through purchase of additional
Pyreos chemometrics software
Key Benefits
- Fast, accurate results at
low cost
- Onsite analysis – no more
waiting for expensive lab based
- High performance even in
harsh, challenging environments
Ideal for
- Portable oil analysis
- Soil analysis
- Food analysis
- Oil in water analysis
- Biodiesel monitoring
- Pharmaceutical QA
- Medical analysis of urine &
- Wastewater monitoring
Spectroscopy Solutions Brochure
Gas Sensing
NDIR gas detection has a vital
role in reducing the global effects
of climate change. As the premier
method for monitoring CO2 gas levels
in both environmental and industrial
settings, NDIR (non-dispersive
infra-red) gas detection helps
ensure compliance with the most
challenging government environmental
targets and safety legislation.
Pyreos sensor and emitter products
are helping our customers achieve
ground breaking performance
improvements in detection limits and
reliability, as well as enabling
innovative new product form factors.
NDIR gas detection is also the
preferred method for detecting many
other flammable, toxic, and
refrigerant gases in a wide variety
of industrial process control and
medical applications, as it is
recognised as a technique that
offers excellent reliability and
accuracy, as well as the lowest
overall cost of ownership.
The recent introduction of lower
cost pulseable black-body IR
emitters has further extended the
range of gases that can now be
monitored using NDIR to include
gases with “fingerprint” absorptions
from 4-15 microns like NO2, SOx ,
NH3 and many more. Our sensors’
strong mid IR sensitivity is ideally
suited for these.
Pyreos sensors and emitters
combine to provide excellent fast
frequency operation, enabling high
accuracy, real-time multi-gas
analysis and greatly reducing the
size, cost and weight of multi-gas
With a wide product range and an
easy ability to provide custom
products in unique form factors,
Pyreos is here to help take your gas
sensing applications to new levels
of performance and competitive
Pyreos' Solution
- TO Packaged Sensors
- TO Packaged Blackbody
- Surface Mount Sensors
- Surface Mount Emitters /
Bulb replacements
Key Benefits
- Performance
- Reliability
- Stability
- Ease of Use
- Cost-to-performance
一、 灵敏度高,D*可以达到>1×109,远远高于其他热释电传感器。
二、 可用来检测更为微弱的信号,提升产品的档次,增强竞争力,降低生产成本。
三、 噪声低且随着温度升高,噪声依然可以维持在较低水平,提高用户系统的信噪比,大幅降低温度对系统的影响。
四、 频率特性好,响应速度快,可达<5ms (200Hz)提高用户系统的响应速度。
五、 熔点高,约600℃,耐高温无需额外的恒温系统及探测器保护装置,大大提高产品在复杂环境下工作的稳定性。
六、 探测器的面积可选的范围很宽,从150um×150um到3mm×2mm,封装形式多样化
我公司为IBSG在中国的唯一代理商。 |
我们是HEIMANN联系紧密的中国代理商,可代客户定做各种探测器。 |
美国DCS公司有多年的红外CO2模块制造经验,其生产的红外CO2测量模块,价廉物美。我们和DCS有多年的合作经验。是DCS在中国的重要代理商。 |
标准, ANSI/IPC-610, level II workmanship
标准。A/D转换都采用16位分辨率。我们和VTI合作多年。可提供定做服务。 |
日本FIGARO是世界著名的半导体气体传感器制造商,我们只销售他们代理的日本GS公司的高浓度氧气传感器KE-25和KE-25F3.这个氧气传感器用途非常广泛。在各个行业,分析仪器中均可找应用。我们销售多年,有很好的价格和服务。 |
美国S-ET公司是世界著名的紫外LED制造商,是少数几个掌握深紫外LED技术的厂家之一,也是拥有完整的深紫外LED全系列的唯一厂家。 |
硫化铅红外光敏电阻系列 (PbS)
电子冷却硫化铅红外光敏电阻系列 (TEC PbS)
硫化铅红外线阵探测器 (PbS Linear Array)
硒化铅红外光敏电阻 (PbSe)
电子冷却硒化铅红外光敏电阻 (TEC PbSe)
硒化铅红外线阵探测器 (PbSe Linear Array)
铟镓砷InGaAs PIN光电二极管近红外探测器