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The CHS110 Sensor is a specialized product designed specifically for towed sonar array applications. It is small, low power and designed to replace traditional compass solutions. Unlike compass solutions, there is no floating gimbal in the CHS110 and no moving parts. The unit has been tested in latitudes as high as 85 degrees. TOWED SONAR ARRAY HEADING SENSOR


This analog output magnetometer is a fully signal conditioned fluxgate sensor with electronics. High level analog outputs offer easy interface to A/D converters and other data acquisition systems. Intended for OEM applications, the board can be customized for specific packaging requirements.


As a stand-alone magnetic measurement device, the CXM539 is a fully self-contained high-speed digital magnetometer with RS-232 output. The device employs three ±1 Gauss full scale fluxgate magnetometers, three 16-bit A/D sigma delta converters, and a micro-controller. The unit provides output data in engineering units (Gauss).


The CXM543 sensor is designed to measure the 3-axis orientation of a platform or vehicle to which it is attached. The CXM543 determines inclination and roll angles using a 3-axis accelerometer to measure the direction of earth’s gravity. The azimuth angle is determined by measuring the earth’s magnetic field using a 3-axis magnetometer subsystem. HIGH SPEED DIGITAL ORIENTATION SENSOR


The CXM544 sensor detects the earth’s magnetic field using a 3-axis magnetometer. The sensor computes a continuous measure of orientation using the 3-axis accelerometer as a gravitational field reference. The product uses the SoftSensor® architecture to compensate for temperature drift, alignment, and other errors. The CXM544 finds application in oil well logging, marine systems, and magnetic compassing.
